Saturday, November 6, 2010

Knock Off Crunch Wraps

My nephew loves the Crunch Wraps from a certain fast food taco place. I thought it would be pretty easy to recreate. I was making them on my George Foreman grill, but talked Corey into a Panini Press. Of course if you don't have either you could make it in a pan using another pan on top to press it.

Knock Off Crunch Wraps

Make your taco meat, however you like yours. You will need tortilla shells, be sure they are burrito size or they will not be big enough. You will also need tostada shells and cheese. Whatever style cheese you prefer on your tacos. All other ingredients would be anything you like on your tacos.

Take your burrito shell, add your meat, cheese, sour cream, tomatoes, lettuce, whatever you want. Keep your ingredients in a circle area in the middle of the shell, leaving plenty of space around the edges. (If unsure about circle size, lay a tostada shell in the middle. You want your ingredients circle that approximate size.) Once you have added your ingredients top with a tostads shell. Start folding the edges over the shell. Work your way around the shell.

Put your folded shell on your grill, panini press, or pans, whatever your method will be. Let your wrap brown to your liking. If you have stuffed your shell, you may want to use a fork. Otherwise very easy meal to just pick up and eat.

**How I make my meat. I brown my ground beef with onions. Drain well. Add about half a can of refried beans, a small can of green chilies, and a 16 oz. jar of salsa. Use whatever style salsa you like.
**Any left over tostada shells could be broken and used for chips and salsa or would work great in a taco casserole.


  1. That nephew you mention will love this recipe. I'm definitely going to give it a try. I was going to make burrito bake for lunch tomorrow, which is basically the same ingredients less the tostada shells, so I think I'll try this instead.

  2. The tostada shells are what gives a crunch to them.
